A queue is a linear data structure in computer science that represents an ordered collection of elements or items. In a queue, elements are added at one end, known as the “rear” or “back” of the queue, and removed from the other end, known as the “front” or “head” of the queue.
Tag: computer science
Recursion implementation on Tower of Hanoi.
Recursion is a problem-solving technique where the solution of a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem. It is a process by which a function calls itself directly or indirectly. Such a function is called a recursive function.
Process Control Block(PCB)
To identify the processes in the operating system each process is assigned a process identification number(PID). As Operating System supports multiprogramming, it needs to keep track of all processes. Process Control Block is used to track the process execution status.
Python | Word Cloud.
The word cloud is one of the interesting techniques for data visualization like infographic charts,