Now that you registered a domain say when people have to look for your website, they will be landed on the URL But Http:// is not a safe place for adding your important information. Every website, almost every website these days try to keep their website, web application safe.
How to configure Environment Specific settings in Python Django Framework?
There are certain configurations in your such as DEBUG, STATIC_URL, DATABASES, SECRET_KEY, ALLOWED_HOSTS, etc. These settings are actually the ones that you need to look after while deploying to the production environment. Whenever your application goes live, you shouldn’t display your debug logs, or error messages on the browsers. This will make your application vulnerable. Also you might want to put different secret keys.
Pandas DataFrame: Join Two CSVs keeping data of all columns
The parameters “lsuffix”, and “rsuffix” keep the column names of both CSVs. You can also perform a left join, right join, and other operations by adding another parameter “how”. The how parameter takes how : {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’} options. The default one is left join.
WARNINGS (URLs.W005) URL namespace ‘admin’ isn’t unique. You may not be able to reverse all URLs in this namespace
Lets jump into this minor issue you face while running Django migrations. The issue also has a quick fix. The issue is encountered when we type the following command in your terminal:
Github Secret: Add README to your Github profile
Basically on your github profile all you can see is the following items: Pinned repositories
[Android SDK cmdline-tools] Warning: Could not create settings while installing SDK from the terminal in Ubuntu
I had to Install Android SDK version 28 for installing Flutter. For that I downloaded
Visual Studio Code is unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace (error ENOSPC)
While using Visual Studio code whenever there is a project with lots of files, there
[Python] Making Website With DjangoCMS.
If you are following this website you can see we share most of the contents
[Django Tutorial] Connect MySQL Database in Django Framework
If you are looking forward to connect your MySQL database with python code that check
Openpyxl || Freezing excel row and column with python.
Freezing a pane(row/column) using excel application is easy. We can freeze a row/column using excel