The first route that is defined under urlpatterns is for django administrtion. You will be asked for your login credentials if you go to this url:
Second route which has a regex r’^$’ is defined for home. This denotes for an empty string. Therefore if the route is it calls the home method and renders the view defined in that method.
Tag: Django2.2.3
[Django Tutorial] Create a New Django Application. Drillthrough of the Project Directory
A Django application is created within a Django Project. We have covered the creation of Django application on our previous blog. Go check it out for a detailed explanation. In order to create a new application we can do it by startapp command like shown below:
[Django Tutorial] How To Install Django Framework? HelloWorld Django!
Once the virtual environment is setup and enabled you can begin installing Django Framework which is yet another python module for developing Web application. On your command type the following command just to make sure that the Virtual environment that you activated is working: