To identify the processes in the operating system each process is assigned a process identification number(PID). As Operating System supports multiprogramming, it needs to keep track of all processes. Process Control Block is used to track the process execution status.
Open Source Operating Systems
Open Source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users other developers see fit. Usually, this kind of operating system is developed as a public collaboration and made freely available to everyone. Most of the open-source operating system was released under a license where the copyright holder allows others to study, change as well as distribute software to other people
Operating System Variations
The operating system(OS) is the collection of software that directs a computer’s operations, controlling and scheduling the execution of other programs, and managing storage, input/output,and communication resources.Basically, the operating system is an interface between the user and machine. It helps user to communicate with machines. Below are the list of widely used variations of the operating system…
MySQL Create and Drop database/schema.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and drop the database/schema in the MySQL workbench and MySQL command-line tool.
How to install MySQL and MySQL workbench on windows || Mysql For Beginners
This is the first video on the SQL(Structural Query language) tutorial series. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install the latest version of the MySQL server and MySQL workbench on windows.
How to enable Developer Tab in Excel(Excel macro)
By default, The Developer tab is not visible in the excel menu bar we have to enable it. We can easily add by selecting the developer check box from the Customize ribbon option. Please follow the below steps to enable the Developer tab in excel.
How to Create a New User Account in CentOS
Most of the operation can be done in two ways i.e. via user interface and via the command line interface (CLI). This turotial of creating new user in CentOS will be donw via the command line terminal. Tutorial covers topics such as creation of user, adding a password, deleting user ans listing the user information.
Convert any format of the image to jpg format using python.
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to convert the image format into jpg and other formats. Before starting the coding, please make sure you have installed the pillow library into your system. If you have not installed the pillow module yet install it using the following command.
How To send email using python.
Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) is an application layer protocol that transfers an email from one user to another user. As a software developer or programmer, we need to send lots of plain text email and also an email with reports, query results, images, text data, application form data, etc to the business client from a different …
fork() is an operation whereby a process creates a copy of itself. It is usually a system call, implemented in the kernel. With this system call, it creates a child process that runs concurrently with the process that created it (Parent Process).